evening photowalk


Got in a nice photowalk this evening. It’s been an overcast day, which always leads to some nice soft light and moody images. With Flickr still being down for their migration, it seemed good to post the shots here.

bike path [Day 3795]

Usually I focus farther back into a shot, but this time I liked going for a softer look caused by focusing nearby. I felt it worked well with the overcast light.

Photo-a-Day: Year 11, Day 143 – Total Days: 3795

construction zone





track selfie

Photo-a-Day: Year 11, Day 142 – Total Days: 3794

Flickr is currently down as a result of a planned maintenance, which means I’ve been unable to update photo of the day! That looks like a good excuse to post something here!

Took this shot with my iPhone while at the San Luis Distance Club’s speed workout at the CalPoly track. I love getting to run on a proper track! The surface is soooo good to run on and it makes it much easier to practice going fast. We were doing 400 meter repeats and it was a great workout!

Cherry Blossoms on a Dreary Day

cherry blossoms on a dreary day
Canon 6D | ISO 400 | 100mm | f/3.2 | 1/200 sec

Even on dreary, on-and-off again rainy days, there’s quite a bit of beauty to be found…

the moon – in and out of focus


Here’s a photo (or should I say, two photos) I took a few weeks ago as part of my photo-a-day project, that stuck with me as being a particular favorite. I had set out to get a shot of the moon, knowing full well that even with my best zoom lens, the moon would still be fairly tiny and require a decent amount of cropping. But in the process of taking that photo, I took a few where the zoom completely failed to lock correctly and the moon was just a giant, out-of-focus blob.

But by combining that error along with the originally desired sharp image, I was able to take something that would have been so mundane as to barely capture my own attention (even though it was my photo), and transform it into something I felt was far more intriguing.

Something about it also reminds me of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is a particular favorite of mine, so perhaps that helps me like it more as well.

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 213 – Total Days: 2,404

the moon – in and out of focus
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 213 – Total Days: 2,404
August 1st, 2015

shamrock [Day 2416]


Had a pretty weird day. Ended it by getting some drinks at McCarthy’s with coworkers. That was pretty nice. Took a photo of this Budweiser shamrock because it looked kind of cool. Didn’t actually drink any Budweiser. Stuck with Jameson and Guinness.

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 225 – Total Days: 2,416 Had a pretty weird day. Ended it by getting some drinks at McCarthy's with coworkers. That was pretty nice. Took a photo of this Budweiser shamrock because it looked kind of cool. Didn't actually drink any Budweiser. Stuck with Jameson and Guiness.

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 225 – Total Days: 2,416

fence post [Day 2395]


Even a simple fence post is interesting when viewed pretty close.

fence post | photograph by Brian J. Matis

fence post [Day 2395]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 204 – Total Days: 2,395
Canon 6D | ISO 1250 | 100mm | f/2.8 | 1/640 sec

blue dots [Day 2394]


The new macro lens allows for a lot of new possibilities when shooting my computer case once more.

abstract blue dots | photograph by Brian J. Matis

blue dots [Day 2394]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 203 – Total Days: 2,394
Canon 6D | ISO 12800 | 100mm | f/2.8 | 1/60 sec

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater [Day 2393]


I know you can’t really see him here, but I went and saw Willie Nelson (& Allison Krauss) playing at the Vino Robles Ampitheater this evening :-)

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater | photograph by Brian J. Matis

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater [Day 2393]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 202 – Total Days: 2,393
iPhone 5s | ISO 500 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/15 sec

go twerk [Day 2392]


Twerk. It’s what the graffiti commands you to do.

graffiti | photograph by Brian J. Matis

go twerk [Day 2392]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 201 – Total Days: 2,392
iPhone 5s | ISO 32 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/340 sec

succulent on table [Day 2391]


A potted succulent sitting on the table at Saucelito Canyon Winery. Taken while wine tasting on a hot and unusually humid day.

succulent on table | photograph by Brian J. Matis

succulent on table [Day 2391]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 200 – Total Days: 2,391
iPhone 5s | ISO 50 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/120 sec

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