Yes, I’m still here!


It’s true, the blog hasn’t had photo of the day in a while, but that doesn’t mean it stopped. No, it’s just that while out of town for the weekend and then recovering from a cold, I’ve decided that perhaps having photo of the day both here and on Flickr is a bit of an annoying (and redundant) hassle.

So instead of posting to both Flickr and here every single day, I’ve decided to experiment with some changes. Photo of the day will continue to be on Flickr (just as it always has and has been for the past few days), but the blog will start to serve a different purpose and might not always be updated daily. Most likely, I’ll do some occasional “catch-up” posts that include photos of the day from the past week or so, or perhaps only just some highlights. Not quite sure about exact timing yet, but I’ll try a few things and see how it goes.

It’ll also be a place for writing more about photography when I get the chance and posting photo sets.

In any case, to check out the past few photos of the day, head on over to Flickr! At least until I have a chance to get this place caught up.



fence post [Day 2395]


Even a simple fence post is interesting when viewed pretty close.

fence post | photograph by Brian J. Matis

fence post [Day 2395]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 204 – Total Days: 2,395
Canon 6D | ISO 1250 | 100mm | f/2.8 | 1/640 sec

blue dots [Day 2394]


The new macro lens allows for a lot of new possibilities when shooting my computer case once more.

abstract blue dots | photograph by Brian J. Matis

blue dots [Day 2394]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 203 – Total Days: 2,394
Canon 6D | ISO 12800 | 100mm | f/2.8 | 1/60 sec

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater [Day 2393]


I know you can’t really see him here, but I went and saw Willie Nelson (& Allison Krauss) playing at the Vino Robles Ampitheater this evening :-)

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater | photograph by Brian J. Matis

willie nelson @ vino robles ampitheater [Day 2393]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 202 – Total Days: 2,393
iPhone 5s | ISO 500 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/15 sec

go twerk [Day 2392]


Twerk. It’s what the graffiti commands you to do.

graffiti | photograph by Brian J. Matis

go twerk [Day 2392]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 201 – Total Days: 2,392
iPhone 5s | ISO 32 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/340 sec

succulent on table [Day 2391]


A potted succulent sitting on the table at Saucelito Canyon Winery. Taken while wine tasting on a hot and unusually humid day.

succulent on table | photograph by Brian J. Matis

succulent on table [Day 2391]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 200 – Total Days: 2,391
iPhone 5s | ISO 50 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/120 sec

tooth & nail @ night [Day 2390]


Shot a wedding today. That was tiring, but fun! Amazing venue, too. I love how it looked as the sun was almost down. Fortunately, my camera can shoot at ISO 12,800 reasonably well.

tooth and nail winery at night | photograph by Brian J. Matis

tooth & nail @ night [Day 2390]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 199 – Total Days: 2,390
Canon 6D | ISO 12800 | 25mm | f/2.8 | 1/125 sec

no vacancy [Day 2389]


Was out at the Paso Robles Inn this evening to shoot an event. Since it’s an event I’m shooting for someone else, I decided not to use one as photo of the day, and instead, grabbed a shot of the nice neon signs while I was heading back to my car.

sorry no vacancy

no vacancy [Day 2389]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 198 – Total Days: 2,389
Canon 6D | ISO 3200 | 100mm | f/3.2 | 1/640 sec

petals [Day 2388]


Got a new lens today, the Canon 100mm f/2.8L IS Macro. It’s my first macro lens, and it’s pretty damn nice. I had a chance to play with it last fall when a friend loaned me his, and I knew I eventually had to have it. Finally, I do!

rose petals | photograph by Brian J. Matis

petals [Day 2388]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 197 – Total Days: 2,388
Canon 6D | ISO 1600 | 100mm | f/5.0 | 1/500 sec

leak [Day 2387]


I think I found the source of California’s current drought problems!

leaky faucet | photograph by Brian J. Matis

leak [Day 2387]
Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 196 – Total Days: 2,387
Canon 6D | ISO 1250 | 300mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 sec

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