Newborn Photoshoot – Tiffany


newborn sleeping

Had a wonderful opportunity to photograph a newborn earlier this week! Meet Tiffany, daughter to my friends, Lauren and Joe, whose wedding I had the honor of shooting last year. All throughout Lauren’s pregnancy, she’s come by once every few weeks to get a maternity progress photo done, which was a great project, and so it’s very nice to finally get to meet Tiffany. She just turned three weeks old today!

Photographing a newborn is definitely outside my standard realm of experience. Much like animals and young children, they don’t exactly follow your direction, but even less so. Still, they make up for it by being extra adorable.

newborn sleeping

So tiny!

black and white photo of newborn being held by mother

It was pretty funny when she stuck her tongue out at me. Maybe she was tired of the paparazzi?

black and white photo of newborn sticking her tongue out

She did have a bit of a meltdown at one point…

black and white photo of newborn crying

But some rocking from her dad totally helped.

newborn held by father

As did some food.

newborn being fed from bottle

And soon she was sleeping peacefully again…

newborn sleeping

newborn sleeping

newborn sleeping

newborn sleeping

And when she made a total derp face, it was still completely adorable…

black & white photo of newborn making funny face

She did have one last parting thing to say though, which was a response to Westley’s question from last week:

newborn, "yeah bro, of course I lift"

Congrats again, Lauren and Joe!



  • Lauren

    Thanks, Brian! They look wonderful! Even the meltdown and derp face ;)

    July 10, 2014
    • Glad you like them! And yeah, the meltdown helps maintain journalistic accuracy. Wouldn’t want people thinking that newborns are nothing but cuteness and naps!

      And her derp-face is super adorable. You’ll definitely have to save that to show off when she’s of dating age ;-)

      July 11, 2014
  • Amy

    That was awesome! And I loved the answer to Westley’s meme, it was perfect :D

    July 11, 2014
    • Thank you!

      And yeah, it was so perfect that Tiffany made that expression and pose together. Clearly, she and Westley are set to be great friends :-D

      July 11, 2014
  • […] week I had the great honor of photographing Lauren and Joe’s new daughter, Tiffany, which I did on location over at their place. But today was extra cool because Lauren and […]

    July 16, 2014

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