Mostly photography but with bits of running, tech, and musings on life

WoW 10th Anniversary Statue [Day 2208]


WoW 10th Anniversary Statue

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 17 – Total Days: 2,208

Canon 6D | ISO 250 | 300mm | f/8.0 | 1/125 sec | Lit with two AlienBees B400 strobes, main to camera left through umbrella and second above subject

Here’s more close-up detail shot of the super awesome orc statue I received from Blizzard entertainment as a thank you for being a continuous WoW subscriber since it first launched 10 years ago.

WoW 10th Anniversary Statue [Day 2207]


WoW 10th Anniversary Statue

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 16 – Total Days: 2,207

Canon 6D | ISO 800 | 50mm | f/2.2 | 1/40 sec

Got a pretty great surprise today when I arrived home to find that Blizzard Entertainment had sent me this awesome Orc statue as a thank you for being a 10-Year subscriber to World of Warcraft. Hard to believe it’s been 10 years. I still remember what it was like on day 1 – even though it was a total lag-fest, it was still a complete blast.

Looking forward to getting some more (and better) photos of this guy in the coming days.

untitled [Day 2206]


light bulb

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 15 – Total Days: 2,206

Fuji X100s | ISO 800 | 23mm | f/2.0 | 1/1000 sec

stained glass porch light [Day 2205]


stained glass porch light

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 14 – Total Days: 2,205

iPhone 5S | ISO 32 | 4.15mm | f/2.2 | 1/60 sec

Cool porch light at my friend’s house. Her mom made it, which is extra cool.

Diablo III headphones [Day 2204]


Diablo III headphones

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 13 – Total Days: 2,204

Fuji X100s | ISO 5000 | 23mm | f/2.0 | 1/15 sec

I’ve got some Diablo III headphones, pretty much entirely because of their awesome glow.

winter bloom [Day 2203]


winter bloom

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 12 – Total Days: 2,203

Fuji X100s | ISO 200 | 23mm | f/4.0 | 1/900 sec

moon jellies [Day 2202]


moon jellyfish

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 11 – Total Days: 2,202

Fuji X100s | ISO 5000 | 23mm | f/4.0 | 1/45 sec

While at the Central Coast Aquarium in Avila Beach today, I got to see their Moon Jellyfish get fed. It was pretty awesome, and the Fuji X100s proved to be up to the task of helping me capture the occasion.

California dreaming [Day 2201]


reflection in vintage car window

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 10 – Total Days: 2,201

Fuji X100s | ISO 1000 | 23mm | f/5.6 | 1/100 sec

I really loved how the reflection in the window of this classic car created a double-exposure sort of effect.

Mr. Rick’s [Day 2200]


Mr. Rick's neon sign

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 9 – Total Days: 2,200

iPhone 5s | Processed with Camera+

floor lamp [Day 2199]


floor lamp

Photo-a-Day: Year 7, Day 8 – Total Days: 2,199

Canon 6D | ISO 1600 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/1000 sec

Here’s another easy photo-a-day fallback shot when you’re not sure what to do and it’s getting late: take a photo of the inside of your spiffy Ikea floor lamp! It provides its own light source and has interesting texture and patterns.

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