Comment Spam of the Week – July 16
- On July 16, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Humor / Spam of the Week
It’s time for another round of Comment Spam of the Week – in which I post my favorite blocked comment spam, with commentary, for your amusement! Enjoy!
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon torpedo.
- And the award for best Star Wars/Star Trek mashup goes to…
Link: A Non-Runners Guide to Runners
- On July 15, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Humor / Running
A Non-Runners Guide to Runners | Womens Health Magazine.
But what do you really know about these shy aerobic creatures? Are they dangerous? What do they eat? How do you get rid of one that’s in your house?
As a runner myself, I think those of you that aren’t, might be well-served by reviewing this handy article about how to interact with us. ;-)
Clouds at dawn [Day 2022]
- On July 15, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 196 – Total Days: 2,022
It was nice to wake up rather early and instead of going back to bed for a change, deciding to get up and go out for a quick photowalk. The morning was lovely! So calm, with birds singing, an incredibly comfortable temperature, and some lovely light striking the clouds.
And as an added bonus, I’m now done with today’s photo before 7:30 am! I think it’s time to reward myself with some breakfast and coffee.
Fractal [Day 2021]
- On July 14, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 195 – Total Days: 2,021
A rather interesting looking plant made the basis for today’s somewhat abstract creation. (And yes, it got some fairly heavy processing in Lightroom to really bring out the green and add some serious contrast.)
SLO Brew [Day 2020]
- On July 13, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 194 – Total Days: 2,020
I have no idea who these people are and I don’t usually take photos of strangers, but when I was sitting at SLO Brew and I saw this absolutely amazing light, I knew it’d be a crime against photography to not capture it.
No persons under 21 [Day 2019]
- On July 12, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 193 – Total Days: 2,019
But what about dogs? Do they have to be 21?
untitled [Day 2018]
- On July 11, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 192 – Total Days: 2,018
Reading list [Day 2017]
- On July 10, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 191 – Total Days: 2,017
Shot of my current reading list. Just about done with WordPress: the Missing Manual. Then it’ll be on to Zack Arias’ Photography Q & A. Plus, there’s always an issue of Photoshop User Magazine around.
Newborn Photoshoot – Tiffany
- On July 10, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photography / Photoshoot
Had a wonderful opportunity to photograph a newborn earlier this week! Meet Tiffany, daughter to my friends, Lauren and Joe, whose wedding I had the honor of shooting last year. All throughout Lauren’s pregnancy, she’s come by once every few weeks to get a maternity progress photo done, which was a great project, and so it’s very nice to finally get to meet Tiffany. She just turned three weeks old today!
Read More»Brian [Day 2016]
- On July 9, 2014
- By Brian J. Matis
- In Photo a day / Photoshoot
Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 190 – Total Days: 2,016
My friend, Brian (who’s got a great first name, BTW), came over this evening for a quick professional-style portrait shoot. This one here was a warm up shot, and while I don’t think it’ll serve for his intended purpose, it’s pretty fun and probably one of my favorites from the shoot. Just goes to show that zany can often work pretty well :-)