back room at kreuzberg coffee [Day 2088]


back room at kreuzberg coffee

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 262 – Total Days: 2,088

Fuji X100S | ISO 4000 | 23 mm | f/2.8 | 1/100 sec

I’m always on the lookout for intriguing light and experimenting with how things will turn out when captured through the lens. In this case, while sitting in the back room of the Kreuzberg Coffee Shop downtown, it was how the light was coming through the doorway and reflecting along the floor and edge of the leather chair.

This was originally shot with the Fuji X100S’ Monochrome + R Filter mode, and then adjusted in Adobe Lightroom for some extra contrast and to shift the color tones to something sepia/coffee colored, as befitting a hipstery coffee shop.

Oreomageddon!!! [Day 2087]



Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 261 – Total Days: 2,087

Fuji X100S | ISO 6400 | 23 mm | f/2.0 | 1/125 sec

Tonight, my friends Brian and Shawn provided an absolutely ridiculous variety of Oreos for tasting. 26 different kinds in fact, including such varieties as Fudge Cremes, Birthday Cake, Limeade, Fruit Punch, Watermelon, Root Beer Float, and Banana Split. Did you even know there were so many different kinds of Oreos?

It was insane. The smell was sickeningly sweet. I couldn’t even try all of them. I almost went into a diabetic coma. It was both horrible and amazing at the same time. 5 stars.

cupcake lip balm [Day 2086]


cupcake lip balm

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 260 – Total Days: 2,086

Canon 6D | ISO 100 | 105 mm | f/4.0 | 1/160 sec | Flash, in hotshoe, aimed straight up

This is one of the many things that came in my Beat the Blerch Virtual Race Packet. I’m a little afraid to try it, but also intrigued…

Display Case @ Avila Valley Barn [Day 2085]


display case at avila valley barn

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 259 – Total Days: 2,085

Canon 6D | ISO 6400 | 24 mm | f/4.0 | 1/250 sec

Had a great trip to the Avila Valley Barn today, and I really enjoyed the lighting of this display case. Is that weird?

Also, here’s a few bonus photos of some things that caught my eye:

Avila Valley Barn-2 Avila Valley Barn-3 Avila Valley Barn-4Avila Valley Barn

Brian [Day 2084]


portrait of Brian

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 258 – Total Days: 2,084

Canon 6D | ISO 400 | 70 mm | f/4.0 | 1/160 sec

Did a nice little portrait shoot for my friend, Brian, this evening. Fences make great backdrops. Was kind of tricky to find one in the shade though…

Amy [Day 2083]



Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 257 – Total Days: 2,083

Fuji X100S | ISO 250 | 23 mm | f/2.8 | 1/125 sec

Photo of Amy, taken at the Otter Rock Cafe in Morro Bay after the Benat Serat bellydance troupe’s performance. Natural light.

aquarium [Day 2082]



Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 256 – Total Days: 2,082

Fuji X100S | ISO 250 | 23 mm | f/2.0 | 1/125 sec

Whenever I’m over at my friends’, Ben and Jean’s, house, I just have to get a photo of their absolutely amazing aquarium.

The Blerch [Day 2081]


the blerch

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 255 – Total Days: 2,081

Canon 6D | ISO 400 | 80 mm | f/5.0 | 1/125 sec

This weird little thing in my hand is “The Blerch”. It’s the creation of cartoonist Matthew Inman, a.k.a. “The Oatmeal”. Much like me, Matthew is a runner. Except he’s a bit more advanced than I, in that he’s what’s known as an Ultra-runner. Ulta-runs are technically anything over the marathon distance, but they’re typically in the 50 or 100 mile range. Pretty extreme, eh?

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sunset through the McDonald’s window [Day 2080]


sunset through the McDonald's window

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 254 – Total Days: 2,080

Fuji X100S | ISO 800 | 23 mm | f/2.0 | 1/1000 sec

I don’t usually eat at McDonald’s, but when I do, I’ve got my camera and there’s interesting light.

California Blvd and Monterey St. [Day 2079]


street intersection

Photo-a-Day: Year 6, Day 253 – Total Days: 2,079

Fuji X100S | ISO 3200 | 23 mm | f/2.0 | 1/60 sec

Driving home from a haircut this evening, when I stopped at an intersection and enjoyed the light from the Splash Cafe across the street. Fortunately, I had my X100S in the passenger seat, so it was easy enough to quickly grab it, flip the switch and fire off a shot. Added bonus, the exposure settings from yesterday night worked pretty well for this one.

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